The Trading Almanac

A diary of investments in my IRA, a daily look at my stock watch list, and additional commentary/discussions on individual stocks, the overall market, economics, technology, etc.

Location: United States

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Hindsight Report for Tipsy Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Stocks I would have liked to own today:

Chico's Fas--80% annual growth. Great to own if you can buy it low.
IBAS Ibasis Inc--another VOIP stock!
ISE Intl Securities Exchange Inc--A major options exchange
JSDA Jones Soda--Seattle based energy and alternative beverage stock
NTMD NitroMed Inc--The company is developing BiDil, a nitric oxide-enhancing drug candidate, for the treatment of African Americans diagnosed with heart failure. Made news last year because it's drug is designed for specific ethnicities.
PEIX Pacific Ethanol Inc--As long as your Commander in Chief keeps talking about "oil addiction" and insists on swaying to midwest lobbyists, this stock should keep up its exponetial growth
SOLD HouseValues isn't public, so this stock is getting a run?
STP Suntech Power Holdings Co Ltd--Oil up again today, so is this solar power play
VLTS Valentis Inc--Repeat offender in the hindsight list, developing treatment for P.A.D.
YMI YM Biosciences Inc--Biotech with cancer drugs in development

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